3 bedrooms
1 bathroom (with bathtub, shower and underfloor heating)
1 small bathroom
new central heating (oil)
available from 03/15/25
monthly rent: 1,250 € plus 50 € garage
additional costs per person 50,00 €/m for water, sewage and garbage)
deposit: 1,250 €
ground floor:
1 hall
1 big living room
1 dining room
1 kitchen (built-in kitchen with refrigerator, dish washer, stove and microwave)
3 bedrooms
1 bathroom (with bathtub, shower and underfloor heating)
1 small bathroom
1 small storeroom
1 hall
2 rooms
1 room with sauna, bathtub (installation for washer and dryer)
2 storerooms
1 garage
garden: 500 sqm (lawn mowing by tenants)
fast internet (fiber optic connection)
own contracts with the electricity provider, telephone and Internet provider
heating oil is provided by the tenant himself.
Contact: 01515 6008586
(listed in the official list of housing office - contact person Mrs. Blaesius)
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Rental - by owner.
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